Treatment Modes

Blue Forest adapts various treatment modalities to achieve the well-being of patients. These include acupuncture, aquatic therapy, aerobic methods, cardiopulmonary, needling, edema control, electrotherapy, heat and cold treatment. As called for programs prepared for individual cases, a combination of the treatment modalities may be applied. Each case is properly analyzed and prepared appropriate treatment programs. A description of two of the most utilized efficacent approach are presented here.

Aquatic Therapy
Rehab equipment used by Blue Forest
Rehab equipment used by Blue Forest

Along with other standard treatment modalities, Blue Forest utilizes Winback Tecar Therapy. More patients, especially those membered with any of the health maintenance organizations (HMOs) affiliated with us, can now avail themselves of our updated, state-of-the-art unit.

Because of this unique radio frequency approach to deep tissues, "patients experience instant pain relief, muscle relaxation, edema reduction, tissue regeneration support and healing."

Tecar Therapy

Blue Forest prides itself not only as a clinically competent facility, but one that has successfully innovated with aquatic therapy. Over the last four years, it has conducted numerous such treatments especially for elderly patients, taking full advantage of swimming pools or the beach's natural healing powers.